ec51beed-abd2-44cd-b49b-2b5ce1344c3e Cat Skull & Shrooms Stickers | Aerials Artistry
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Cat Skull & Shrooms Stickers

Cat Skull & Shrooms Stickers

  • 1 x 1.1 inches 

  • Made of Matte Vynl 

  • This piece was made with chalk pastel pencils with an acrylic black background. I love combining symbols of the dead (the cat skull) with living symbols (the mushrooms) because it beautifully portrays every time how one cannot be without the other. Living beings must die for new life to grow.

    Payment plans are offered for only original pieces. Please contact me through email , social media, or through this website if you are interested in an original piece & would like a payment plan.

    Aerial's Artistry LLC

    Est. 2020 by

    Aerials Artistry

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